Thursday, April 2, 2009

The aftermath of a fool....

PhotobucketForgiving is difficult...for whatever reason there is a part inside every person that insists on holding on to the twinge of anger or hurt that is left within us about whatever it was the infected our insecurities. That lack of forgiveness often trails on into the continued behavior or action that we were upset at ourselves or someone else over in the first place. There are so many reasons that I want to be angry with situations, people and mostly myself; however, there are so many more miracles in my life showing me why resentment is not worth it... The less I try to force things to fit, the more they actually do.
The second that I realized me trying to fix things is what broke this in the first place I decided that wasn't how I wanted to live my life. The eternal cloud attitude would not be able to continue on into my adult life... but at what point to I separate the parts of me that I want to banish from the parts of me that are worthy... again I think if I just allow myself to be vulnerable and open rather than try to force the will be apparent. Many of the issues have already surfaced, and I wish that I had figured out that I am the projection and power of all the energy that I require and that my will should be aligned with Gods will.... forgiving, compassionate, free of judgment, and full of love. I am working on it.... The rope has been given to me, and now its my decision if it will swing me to safety or become my own demise... I have a positive outlook and think this humility is the beginning of it all. Its all my fault, I know.... To be continued.

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